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Isnin, 23 Jun 2014

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PayPal Send Money Feature

1. Log in to your Paypal Account
2. Hover over the profile tab and select from the drop down menu Add or Edit Bank Account
3. Once you are on the Bank Account Info page simply make sure your funding source is a bank account and not a credit card.
Go Back to How to Make a Payment Using Paypal and Avoid the Fees

How to make a payment or send money to someone using Paypal and avoid the transaction fees.
1. Make sure your Paypal account is linked to a bank account and not a credit card as the funding source otherwise Paypal / the Credit Card company will charge fees. How to Check your funding source
2. Log in to your Paypal account and select send money
3. enter the email address and amount to pay
4. select personal and check one of the options. Example (Payment Owed)
5. Click Continue
6. Enter a message and confirm everything is correct then hit send money.

Please note: PayPal will charge fees if you use a credit card as the funding source to avoid fees use a bank account as your funding source.

In this tutorial I will show you a feature that many people over look in PayPal. I use this feature when ever I need to pay someone or if someone owes me money. I always suggest this feature, because using this feature will eliminate the fees that PayPal charges when you pay someone or when someone pays you. Do you have a PayPal account? if you do not have a PayPal account yet then you need to create one. PayPal is one of the most secure ways to make a payment online because you do not use your credit card when making a payment to someone that accept Paypal therefore you are less likely to have your credit card number stolen. If you would like to create your free Paypal account click here.

Create your Free PyPal Account today

If you do not have a PayPal account I highly recommend that you sign up for an account and get familiar with all of the features PayPal has to offer. I am confident that once you learn how to use PayPal you will wonder how you ever got along without an account. Click the PayPal image below to go to PayPal and create your free account today.
Sign up for PayPal and start accepting credit card payments instantly.

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